Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary CD-ROM (Inglês) CD-ROM
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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary CD-ROM (Inglês) CD-ROM

R$ 179,90

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R$ 179,90 no Pix
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Informações do Produto

A new edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, which is now more user-friendly than ever. The CD-ROM includes the whole paper dictionary in handy searchable format and the fresh new design makes it even easier to use. * Recordings of every word in British and American English - listen, record and play back to practise your own pronunciation. * Interactive exercises including exam practice and real past papers for IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE and BEC. * Extra collocation information and thousands of example sentences. * UNIQUE! Cambridge SMART thesaurus turns the dictionary into a thesaurus at the click of a button. * QUICKfind, a mini pop-up version of the dictionary.

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