CD Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There'S A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd - Standard
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CD Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There'S A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd - Standard

R$ 59,90

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R$ 59,90 no Pix

Informações do Produto

CD Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There'S A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd - Standard Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd é o nono álbum de estúdio da aclamada cantora e compositora Lana Del Rey, composto por 16 faixas e interlúdios com participações de Father John Misty, Tommy Genesis, Jon Batiste, Bleachers e muito mais. Ele segue os álbuns de 2021 do prolífico álbum ‘Chemtrails Over The Country Club’ e ‘Blue Banisters’. Standard 1CD em jewel case. Repertório do CD: 1. The Grants. 2. Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd. 3. Sweet. 4. A&W. 5. Judah Smith Interlude. 6. Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste). 7. Jon Batiste Interlude. 8. Kintsugi. 9. Fingertips. 10. Paris, Texas (feat. SYML). 11. Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing (feat. RIOPY). 12. Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty). 13. Margaret (feat. Bleachers). 14. Fishtail. 15. Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis). 16. Taco Truck x VB

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