Doing Critical Management Research - SAGE US
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Doing Critical Management Research - SAGE US

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Informações do Produto

Alvesson and Deetz rehearse the arguments against neo-positivism and quantitative research very effectively... also make the important distinction between qualitative work in general and critical qualitative work in particular. The arguments here feelfresh and engaged, helped along by numerous illustrations and examples from particular research studies. ...a welcome antidote to the majority of methodology books, especially in a climate where research - especially at doctoral level- is increasingly prone to standardization. The value of the book in this regard cannot be overestimated, because it draws together insights and arguments. ...expect it to be widely read and cited, and to remain the standard text on critical management research practice for a good many years to come. This is an excellent text which combines a very impressive coverage of the literature while showing great care and thought in exposition ́ - Management Learning Providing a detailed discussion of the practice of doing critical research in organizations, utilizing both qualitative research processes and critical theories of organizations, this textbook will be essential for all those involved in interpreting and researching contemporary institutions and organizations. This volume gives an authoritative and insightful framework for navigating critical theories and methods across the social sciences, but in particular in relation to the study of corporate organizations.

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