Dvd - Jane Monheit - Live At The Rainbow Room - Indie Records
Imagem de Dvd - Jane Monheit - Live At The Rainbow Room
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Dvd - Jane Monheit - Live At The Rainbow Room

R$ 29,90

R$ 25,42

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R$ 25,42 no Pix

Informações do Produto

Dvd - jane monheit - live at the rainbow room Artista: jane monheit Gênero: jz Origem : nacional Estado: Ano: 2003 Gravadora: indie records Formato: dvd Legenda: ---- Idioma: --- Identificação: 7898420121800 nwt 1 over the rainbow2 just squeeze me3 chega de saudade (no more blues)4 dindi5 more than you know6 since you've asked7 it might as well be spring8 tea for two9 hit the road to dreamland10 love has no pride11 once i walked in the sun12 começar de novo13 please be kind14 it never entered my mind15 turn out the stars16 haunted heart17 cheek to cheek18 around us19 waters of march20 some other time

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