Easy learning english conversation 2 - COLLINS
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Easy learning english conversation 2 - COLLINS

R$ 106,08

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R$ 106,08 no Pix
ou 2x de R$ 53,04 no cartão

Informações do Produto

An engaging book of Reading and Rhyming activities to really help boost your child's progress at every stage of their learning! Completely in line with the foundation stage of the early years, this English book provides reassurance while supporting your child's learning at home.Combining useful English practice with engaging, colorful illustrations, this book-reading and practice rhyme helps increase your child's confidence and develop good learning habits for life. Each fun activity is designed to give your child a real sense of accomplishment.DIMENSÕES:- Largura: 13cm- Altura: 1cm- Comprimento: 19.7cmPESO: 400gr

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