Gunner goggles - obstetrics and gynecology: shelf review - ELSEVIER ED
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Gunner goggles - obstetrics and gynecology: shelf review - ELSEVIER ED

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Informações do Produto

The Gunner Goggles Series is the first exam prep resource written by a high-scoring peer group of medical students, ensuring the most practical and efficient study guidance. It organizes topics around the USMLE and NBME content outlines for the required shelf exams and features state-of-the-art Augmented Reality (AR) mobile application to extend learning beyond the book. This innovative series features AR opportunities throughout the text for an integrated print-mobile experience that maximizes learning and test preparation. The Gunner Goggle function allows you to scan pages for integrated AR links, unlocking animations, visuals, and 3D models that clarify complex anatomy, conditions, and concepts in a remarkably effective and unique manner. ISBN-10: 032351037XISBN-13: 9780323510370Páginas: 306Edição: 1Autor: HAO-HUA WU

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