Interaction Online: Creative Activities For Blended Learning - Cambridge University Press - Elt
Imagem de Interaction Online: Creative Activities For Blended Learning - Cambridge University Press - Elt
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Interaction Online: Creative Activities For Blended Learning - Cambridge University Press - Elt

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his book is for teachers interested in incorporating interaction online into their teaching. Interaction Online is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to incorporate an aspect of online interaction in their language teaching. It is relevant for use with online, blended or face-to-face courses and appropriate for a wide range of teachers and learning contexts. This handbook contains over 75 tried and tested activities, the majority of which can be carried out either synchronously or asynchronously. Activities are purposeful and foster interaction between and among learners and instructors, rather than between learner and machine, and make use of generic tools and applications, such as discussion forums, instant message services and Facebook.

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