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Is It Possible... To transform the Lives and Legacies of Single Teen Moms, Gwen Diaz

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Vendido por 100% Cristão

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Despite great efforts to address the issue of teen pregnancy, the statistics remain alarming. Two thousand unwed teenage girls in the United States will find out they are pregnant today—and that blows my mind. Gwen Diaz does an incredible job of sharing the startling statistics and substantiating them with true-life stories. In her book Is It Possible . . .To Transform the Lives and Legacies of Single Teen Moms? Gwen provides us with practical methods and positive solutions. She challenges us to take a new course of action and follow the examples of three women who are impacting an entire community through their ministry to teen moms. This is a challenge we can't afford to ignore. -Dr. Tony Evans, founder and president of The Urban Alternative; senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Most churches hurt deeply for the people around them and genuinely want to step into their lives with substantive help and hope, but they often simply don’t know what to do. Case in point: what do you do with a teenage girl who finds herself pregnant and then a young mom—especially one who has no extended family structure prepared to walk her through this radical life adjustment? In her timely book, Is It Possible..., Gwen Diaz uses real-life stories to help churches move from having good intentions to actually becoming Jesus’ hands and heart to these fragile and often desperate young women. -Dr. Tim Kimmel, author of Grace-Based Parenting and Grace-Filled Marriage Two thousand teenage girls face an unexpected pregnancy each day. Statistics like that can seem irrelevant or distant until you hear the stories behind them. Every number represents a girl in need of something only our Savior can give. So how do we, and how does the church, reach out and offer it? How can we embrace sinners without condoning sin? This book is a touching but equally practical tool that will equip, motivate, and empower you to get involved in something life-changing. If you are pro-life, this is a must read. -Lauren Beccue, speaker and certified sex ed instructor; author of UN-Expecting

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logo 100% Cristão

100% Cristão

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