Livro - Classical Comics - Frankenstein
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Livro - Classical Comics - Frankenstein

R$ 75,56

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R$ 75,56 no Pix

Informações do Produto

The Classic Graphic Novel Collection is a revolutionary new series of graphic novels which re-tells classic literature for learners of English. Graded at the intermediate level, the fresh blend of accessible storytelling and captivating artwork ensures that students will want to return to these stories time and again. Frankenstein is set during a time when there were many new scientific discoveries and anything seemed possible – even the creation of life itself. Victor Frankenstein becomes obsessed with this idea and works hard to prove his theories. But his dream quickly turns into a nightmare – not just for him, but for his family and friends, too. Frankenstein, conceived by Mary Shelley on a rainy night in the mountains of Switzerland in 1816, asks questions about the danger and responsibility of knowledge and the notion that pride must have its fall. Shelley’s classic horror story is brought to life through fantastic gothic illustrations and is adapted so that all students can enjoy this haunting tale.

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