Livro - Classical Comics - Great Expectations
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Livro - Classical Comics - Great Expectations

R$ 81,90

R$ 65,52

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R$ 65,52 no Pix

Informações do Produto

The Classic Graphic Novel Collection is a revolutionary new series of graphic novels which re-tells classic literature for learners of English. Graded at the intermediate level, the fresh blend of accessible storytelling and captivating artwork ensures that students will want to return to these stories time and again. “My name was Philip Pirrip. When I was a small child, I couldn’t say this, so I called myself Pip.” Pip is a young man from humble beginnings. He abandons his old life to become a gentleman after several occurrences: a frightening meeting with an escaped prisoner; a call to meet with the bitter, old Miss Havisham and the beautiful but cold-hearted Estella; and the sudden generosity of a stranger. The story of Pip’s Great Expectations is accompanied by fabulous artwork which sends the reader straight to Dickens’s Victorian England.

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