Livro - Connectivity Level 4 Workbook
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Livro - Connectivity Level 4 Workbook

R$ 165,00

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ou R$ 165,00 em 3x de R$ 55,00 sem juros

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  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

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R$ 165,00 no Pix
ou 3x de R$ 55,00 no cartão

Informações do Produto

Connectivity is a new communicative course for adults and young adults that takes students from true beginner to advanced competency in six levels.Connectivity is written by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, the award-winning authors of Top Notch and Summit. It has a strong focus on communication skills and is centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.Connectivity features a rigorous speaking pedagogy that activates new language and integrates it with intensive four-skills practice and the soft skills needed for employability. A unique cultural fluency syllabus prepares students to use English for work, travel, studies, and life—no matter where they are in the world.To meet the needs of the modern student, this blended course offers Online Practice, Student’s Interactive eBooks, and the Pearson Practice English App.

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