Livro - Footprint Reading Library - Level 3 1300 B1 - Making a Deal
Imagem de Livro - Footprint Reading Library - Level 3 1300 B1 - Making a Deal
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Livro - Footprint Reading Library - Level 3 1300 B1 - Making a Deal

R$ 39,90

R$ 31,90

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O Magalu garante a sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

  • Devolução gratuitaem até 7 dias depois de receber o produto.

R$ 31,90 no Pix

Informações do Produto

There have been 'souks', or markets, in Middle Eastern and Arab cities for hundreds of years. People can buy food, clothes, shoes, and much more in them. But, there are no prices on the items. How are prices decided? What's the best way to get a good price?

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