Livro - Gold Advanced Maximiser without Key
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Livro - Gold Advanced Maximiser without Key

R$ 224,00

R$ 197,38

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R$ 197,38 no Pix
ou 4x de R$ 49,35 no cartão

Informações do Produto

The trusted Gold series takes students from Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills in English every step of the way. You say exams, you think “arghhh! stress”. Gold is a fun and communicative course which is light on the page but thorough in its preparation, and helps take some of the “argh! pressure” out of a serious subject. Providing enjoyable, communicative classes with a strong emphasis on personalisation, Gold is the popular choice for teachers around the world (8 million learners as we type..).

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Clique Books

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