Livro - Hopscotch 6
Imagem de Livro - Hopscotch 6
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Livro - Hopscotch 6

R$ 208,90

R$ 167,10

no Pix

ou R$ 167,10 em 3x de R$ 55,70 sem juros

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  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

  • Devolução gratuitaem até 7 dias depois de receber o produto.

R$ 167,10 no Pix
ou 3x de R$ 55,70 no cartão

Informações do Produto

Hopscotch is a six-level primary series that follows an accessible, traditional, easy-to-teach methodology with a speaking and listening focus in the early levels and reading and writing introduced explicitly from Level 3 onwards. Filled with engaging National Geographic photographs and content that captures the imagination of young learners, Hopscotch introduces language and skills through a fun and friendly cast of main characters – a boy, girl, crocodile, parrot and bear! • Photos showcase the magic of the real world • Students tackle communicative skills first before reading and writing • Project work encourages collaboration and problem solving • Picture stories introduce natural language and vocabulary • Online downloads provide support for teaching special needs students

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