Livro - In Sync 1A
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Livro - In Sync 1A

R$ 210,00

R$ 185,20

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  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

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R$ 185,20 no Pix
ou 4x de R$ 46,30 no cartão

Informações do Produto

In Sync is an exciting, innovative, easy-to-use four-level course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. In Sync stimulates learning and broadens students' horizons through lessons that engage both intellectually and emotionally. The course includes the red filter, a unique learning tool that can be used to facilitate mastery of key grammar points. Features *Brings language learning to life with up-to-date topics and real-life teenage issues, problem-solving puzzles, and realistic communication activities *Enables students to succeed through achievable and motivating lessons, extra practice in the Student Book, and mixed-ability exercises in the Language Builder

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Clique Books

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