Livro - Outcomes 2nd Edition - Beginner
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Livro - Outcomes 2nd Edition - Beginner

R$ 242,90

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R$ 242,90 no Pix
ou 5x de R$ 48,58 no cartão

Informações do Produto

Outcomes is the only course that is consistently focussed on helping students achieve the real-world communicative outcomes they want and need. Now with a brand-new Beginner level, this lexically rich course emphasises students’ need to have the conversations in English that they would in their own language.Containing contemporary and global content, Outcomes reflects English as it is used in the real-world.Outcomes contains:- A clear, evenly paced grammar syllabus with strong links to context. The grammar is presented and practised using guided discovery and is supported by a highly accessible Grammar Reference.- Inspiring National Geographic videos provide real global content and language plus Conversation Practice videos provide a model for real, natural output.- An Understanding Fast Speech feature helps students understand authentic English; an integrated pronunciation syllabus helps students use the language accurately and fluently.

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