Livro - The bear
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Livro - The bear

R$ 162,23

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R$ 162,23 no Pix
ou 3x de R$ 54,08 no cartão

Informações do Produto

A young girl who must fend for herself and her little brother after a brutal bear attack in this “emotional tour de force” (Megan Abbott) While camping with her family on a remote island, five-year-old Anna awakes in the night to the sound of screaming. A rogue black bear has entered the family’s campsite and is attacking her parents. At her dying mother’s urging, Anna manages to get her brother into the family’s canoe and paddle away. But when the canoe runs aground on the edge of the woods, the sister and brother must battle hunger, the elements, and a wilderness alive with danger. Lost and completely alone, they find that their only hope resides in Anna’s struggle to be brave when nothing in her world seems safe anymore. Told in the innocent voice of a child, THE BEAR is a transporting tale about love, loss, and the raw instincts that enable us to survive.

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Informações da Loja

Livraria Martins Fontes Paulista

Livraria Martins Fontes Paulista

Lojista Magalu desde 2019





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