Livro - The little book of pin-up - Vargas
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Livro - The little book of pin-up - Vargas

R$ 70,00

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R$ 70,00 no Pix

Informações do Produto

Alberto Vargas took over Esquire magazine’s monthly pin-up post in late 1940. By 1942, when the U.S. joined the war, he had more than a million ardent enlisted fans who carried his pin-ups in backpacks and duffel bags as reminders of the American girls they'd left behind. When Esquire was charged with obscenity over a particularly spicy pin-up in 1943 the military stepped in to fight for The Varga Girl, declaring her necessary to maintain the morale of young fighting men. Today these wartime pin-ups are the most collectible of Vargas’s work. Find them all in this pocket-sized delight.

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