Marvel Universe All-New Avengers Assemble Vol. 4 Digest
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Marvel Universe All-New Avengers Assemble Vol. 4 Digest

O Magalu garante a sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

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  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

  • Devolução gratuitaem até 7 dias depois de receber o produto.

Informações do Produto

Produto NovoThe Avengers return for an all-new volume of evil smashing! First, it's the battle of the super-teams when the Earth's Mightiest Heroes take on Squadron Supreme. Then, conflict between Iron Man and Captain America threaten the team from within, just in time for an encounter with THANOS OF TITAN! Now more than ever, Earth's Greatest Heroes must unite, so sound the call! "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" COLLECTING: MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE SEASON TWO 13-16

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