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Mona Lisa Revealed - The True Identity Of Leonardo s Model - (sem fornecedor)

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Código bj26924b59

Giuseppe Pallanti, following Giorgio Vasari''s lead, bases his work on a meticulous and in-depth review of archival materials in attributing a name to one of the most iconic faces in art history: Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. The au thor looks beyond the myth enshrouding one of the absolute masterpieces of Leonardo''s genius, and gives us Mona Lisa as an authentic and living woman. With his engaging and casual style, he has reconstructed her personal and historical dimension. The revelation of the mysterious identity of the model, hidden up until now and object of the most disparate and far-fetched hypotheses, certainly takes nothing away from the enigmatic quality of that "smile". It becomes even more fascinating to us afte r we have been immersed in the world of her affections and read her husband''s will, palpably imbued with a genuine love for his "cherished wife". The beauty of her spirit now seems even more radiant than the external beauty eternalized by Leonardo.
ISBN-10: 9788876246593 ISBN-13: 9788876246593 idioma: Português Edição: 1 Data edição: 1969-12-31 21:33:33 Encadernação: Brochura Autor: Vários Autores Garantia: 3 Altura: 5.50 Comprimento: 5.50 Largura: 16.50

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