Objective ielts - intermediate - audio cds - CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS DO BRASIL***
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Objective ielts - intermediate - audio cds - CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS DO BRASIL***

R$ 224,00

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  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

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R$ 224,00 no Pix
ou 4x de R$ 56,00 no cartão

Informações do Produto

Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, using analysis of real IELTS candidate papers. The 2 levels of Objective IELTS can be used on their own or consecutively, so that lower-level students requiring a high band score can start preparing early. ISBN-10: 9780521608800ISBN-13: 9780521608800Autor: BLACK, MICHAEL

Ficha Técnica

Informações da Loja

Livraria Martins Fontes Paulista

Livraria Martins Fontes Paulista

Lojista Magalu desde 2019





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