Ocular pathology: text with dvd-rom - ELSEVIER ED
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Ocular pathology: text with dvd-rom - ELSEVIER ED

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Informações do Produto

Comprehensive, yet concise and clinically oriented, this new edition brings you the very latest advances of every aspect of ocular pathology. From discussions of molecular biology and genetics, to new sections on age-related macular degeneration and complications of refractive surgery, to revised chapters, the latest imaging modalities, and so much more, this 6th edition will surely keep you on top of your field. Complementing the text is a world-renowned collection of common and unusual ocular conditions and a DVD containing valuable educational tools. ISBN-10: 0323042325ISBN-13: 9780323042321Páginas: 784Edição: 6Autor: MYRON YANOFF

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