Star Wars- Kanan Vol. 2 - First Blood - Marvel
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Star Wars- Kanan Vol. 2 - First Blood - Marvel

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Informações do Produto

Produto NovoContinue to explore the early days of Kanan Jarrus, the sensational star of Star Wars Rebels! You've seen Kanan's last adventure as a Padawan, now witness his very first! The boy who was Caleb Dune must find his feet as the Clone Wars rage all around him. When the Jedi Temple comes under attack, what can a mere Padawan do to make a difference? Caleb and his new Master Bilaba will take command of their own Clone troop, and lead them into the furious Battle of Mygeeto. But lying in wait for them there are a pair of Separatist Generals, one of whom is one of the most deadly threats in the entire galaxy! Can Caleb and Bilaba survive Grievous? COLLECTING: KANAN 7-12

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