Imagem de Iron Fist - Vol. 1 - The Gauntlet
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Iron Fist - Vol. 1 - The Gauntlet

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  • Magalu garantea sua compra, do pedido à entrega.

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Informações do Produto

Produto NovoThe mystical city of K'un-Lun lies in ruins. The chi that fuels Danny Rand's power is wavering. Can there be any future for the Iron Fist? Danny must push himself to the breaking point, finding fi ghts to prove his worth. But a bigger battle than he can handle may have found him: On a mysterious island stand seven deadly kung fu masters. Can Danny run a gauntlet through them all and regain his place in the world? As the battle begins, the Iron Fist is in for the fights of his life! COLLECTING: IRON FIST 1-5

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