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One direction - where we are - our band

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Informações do Produto

Hi guys, we're One Direction!Here, in our official book, you can find out everything that's gone on over the last eighteen months, the inspirations behind our world tour, all the special people we've met, places we've been, and moments we've shared. From London to Sydney, New York to Tokyo, we've played to our incredible fans across the globe, seen our albums hit #1 on the charts, and even made our own movie-wow! Now we can share the ups and downs of it all with you, our fans. This is our story. It's still hard for us to believe that a few months ago we were just five kids with a dream. It's been a crazy trip-and this is the true behind-the-scenes story of how we got here. It's our way of saying thank you for all the love you've shown us, from every corner of the world!Lots of love, 1D xxDIMENSÕES:- Largura: 19.8cm- Altura: 1cm- Comprimento: 24.9cmPESO: 585gr

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A Nossa Livraria De Belo Horizon

A Nossa Livraria De Belo Horizon

Lojista Magalu desde 2021





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