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Stroke part iii: investigation and management

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Informações do Produto

This volume provides a comprehensive exploration of stroke, from basic mechanisms of disease to enhanced diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. The ongoing efforts within the neurological community are also highlighted, bringing a better understanding of the pathophysiological basis of this disorder. Clinicians will find invaluable information that can be used to enhance the lives of an aging global population. Covered topics include the functional anatomy of the brain itself, as well as advancements in the understanding of the biochemical background of strokes. Related fields and their dramatic impact on stroke research are also included, with findings in the fields of epidemiology, genetics, neuroimaging, and interventional radiology thoroughly explored. In addition, great attention is paid to therapeutic avenues, including investigation ISBN-10: 0444520058ISBN-13: 9780444520050Páginas: 416Edição: 3aAutor: MARC FISHER

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